April 2022 NewsLetter

April 2022 NewsLetter

Management comments

Our investment strategy has three great advantages.

The first advantage is quantitative long/short US equity investing based on active stocks picking. In April the strategy actively traded 14 stocks and 2 ETFs, and, outperformed S&P500 (SPY) and our two benchmarks — HFRI EH Quantitative Directional Index and Eurekahedge North America Long Short Equities Hedge Fund Index.

Absolute return is the second advantage. Somebody may treat the strategy as volatility management. Beta is almost zero, so by saying performance we always mean alpha. The gross return was 1.07% before fees in April.

The third advantage is ability to maintain attractive risk/reward ratio — maximum drawdown was 4.66% happened from 11th to 20th April (peak-to-valley) and then half-way recovered.

Last Month

The 6th April was the best day when daily return reached 3.15%, while the 20th April was the worst day with a single day drawdown of 2.36%.

Year-to-Date (YTD)

The best month was January with 7.84% monthly return (before fees), and the weakest month was April with 1.07% monthly return (before fees).

The full Newsletter can be found here: ARQuant Newsletter 2022-04

5 May 2022