April 2023 NewsLetter
Management comments
April started with the biggest daily loss of -1.57%. The loss was mainly contributed by Tesla (-1.32%) because the portfolio had a big long exposure on the stock. The loss was mainly recovered in two days when short positions on Tesla and technological stocks generated 1.17% daily profit. The second biggest drop started on 13 April when most positions were short. That Thursday the market started a robust rally, so the robot reversed the positions and leveraged them. But on Friday the market ended lower as a barrage of mixed economic data appeared to affirm another Federal Reserve interest rate hike. Despite the last week of April showed good profits, the mid-month losses was not recovered in full.
As to our benchmarks, the strategy under performed them both where HFRI EH Quantitative Directional Index showed -0.48% and Eureka Hedge North America Long Short Equities Hedge Fund Index finished with 0.38% (both indices are from the databases as of May 8, 2023)
Last Month
The best day was 6-Apr with daily returnof 1.17% and 3-Aprwas the worst daywhen dailylosses reached -1.57%.
This year March is the best month with 2.96%p.m.gross, and April turned out the worst with -0.93% p.m. gross. YTD is positive.
The full Newsletter can be found here: ARQuant Newsletter 2023-04