March 2023 NewsLetter
Management comments
March showed a very good performance of 2.96% p.m. before fees – the algorithm has learned lessons from the past negative months. Cumulated return was maintained positive throughout March and doubled on the very last day when a portfolio gross exposure was 94% as daily average and at some moment the robot increased it up to 143%, both are the highest levels over L12M. In general, we see a trend of gradual enhancing gross exposure since Nov – 2022. Net exposure daily average was mostly positive or neutral during the month. Descriptive statistics of March (0.13% daily return, 52% positive days, 2.64 Sharpe ratio) are very similar to historical averages of the strategy.
As to our benchmarks, the strategy outperformed them both where HFRI EH Quantitative Directional Index showed +1.41% and EurekaHedge North America Long Short Equities Hedge Fund Index finished with -0.16% (both indices are from the databases as of April 11, 2023)
Last Month
The best day was 31-Mar with daily return of 1.77% and 13-Mar was the worst day when daily losses reached -1.15%.
This year March is the best month with 2.96% p.m. gross, and February was the worst month with -0.79% p.m. gross.
The full Newsletter can be found here: ARQuant Newsletter 2023-03