May 2024 NewsLetter

May 2024 NewsLetter

Management comments

The S&P 500’s 4.8% gain last month represented its strongest May performance since 2009. However, May presented challenges for the ARQuant’s strategy due to a lack of sustained momentum, with only a few days contributing significantly to our performance. Despite these conditions, the strategy achieved a monthly profit of 5.0% before fees on the smallest account, 5.8% on the biggest unleveraged account and 6.4% on accounts with 25% permanent leverage.

We are constantly enhancing our trading system and the next update is scheduled to rolled out in June. As expected, the update will further reduce a risk of overfitting and improve out-of-sample predictions.

The strategy outperformed the EurekaHedge North America Long Short Equities Hedge Fund Index, which reported a return of 2.85% in May (as of June 9, 2024), and continues to deliver nearly three times better YTD performance.

Since Jan-2024, ARQuant has doubled its assets under management, reaching USD 17 million.

Last Month

The 15th of May stood out as the most lucrative, with a daily return of 4.3%. Conversely, 2 weeks later, the 29th May was marked as the least favourable, recording a daily loss of -1.1%.


January recorded the highest gross monthly return at 5.68%, whereas April saw the minimum with a monthly gross return of 1.52%.

The full Newsletter can be found here: ARQuant Newsletter 2024-05

10 June 2024